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Be You, Do You, Love You.

Listen. It’s not an accident that you are where you are right now. Whether you love your life as it currently sits, hate it, or are excited about the future. A lot of what happens in your life comes down to the effects of your actions.

Oh and buy my book. She what I did there ;) … moving on.

The point being is that you are in complete control of how you want to feel about your circumstance, your actions towards achieving your goals, what influences you let into your life, and how you want to define personal success. Don’t let the external bull control what happens to you. Choose to do for you, and not how it looks in the eye of public opinion.

See, I always thought that doing more than the next guy was my way towards success, and in a lot of ways I do still feel that way. He who seriously puts in the work is the man that is going to get the prize, however put in work that is completely authentic to who you are and your personal values.

See, I thought I would try to be a dating coach since I learned how to game pretty well last year, but honestly I really didn’t give a f*** about it. I’m already passionate about what I do, and my future, and honestly that’s all I really need. A lesson I learned is that sometimes less is more. You don’t need to be all this and that, you don’t need to be anything extra, you just need to be you and the right people surround you. This doesn’t mean fit into the crowd, what I mean is by being authentic you automatically end up sticking out.

P.S, it’s useful information, so I will still be writing some EoD stuff from time to time, but why own the label of “dating coach” if it’s not who I am and not what I’m passionate about?

Oh and some food for thought for my dudes, stop chasing girls, chase yourself.

I have friends that run their own businesses, and it can be intimidating for sure, but I am not them, and they are not me. Through it all the bull recently, I have ended up remind myself of a simple lesson that I have forgotten at the beginning of turning my life around. Just do you, for you, and love you. Great things will all come to you if you just focus on yourself and your own happiness.

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, because you’re amazing as you are. Now, that isn’t to say you shouldn’t strive to be the absolute best you can be and look to get better every day, but what it means is stop trying to be something you aren’t. Don’t flex like a millionaire if you have a grand in the bank, don’t call yourself a dating coach when you haven’t even figured out how to land the most beautiful women on the planet (yes, shots fired at myself), and don’t try to teach people if you haven’t mastered anything.

Just be you, project you, don’t allow other to control who you are, and the charisma, confidence, and status comes automatically.

I love my future career, I love spreading positivity through social media, and I love staying in and watching the bachelor on a Friday and cuddling a bottle of Veuve. So, you know what, screw you I’m going to do that. So what if it doesn’t make me a million dollars? So what if some of you find it cringe worthy? So what if that means I don’t try flex on my exes while they party?

So what if I’m not like most 22 dude’s year olds wondering who and how they are going to get laid next? So what if I choose to not like going out to clubs every weekend and getting wasted drunk (I do like a cocktail or 2)? I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while because I stopped doing those things consistently and only when I want to.

Consider containing yourself if you are overworked. Stop doing things you don’t like to do for the sake of doing something. Stop being around people that don’t uplift you. Hell, play some video games if they make you happy, stay in if you don’t want to go out, choose to up your standards when it comes to the people who surround you.

Don’t try and play someone else’s game, play your own. Follow your heart, even if it is unpopular. Stay humble, and keeping hustling. Stop trying to make it when you aren’t even passionate. Stop pretending, because people see when you are faking it. When you step back, you really end up appreciating how awesome you are, even if that means you are “normal”.

Peace, Love, Positivity, and Logic Bangers.


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