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Always Be Authentic.

I get it, the last blog was a little depressing, but truth is what sets you free. However, I want get back to being a little more lighthearted.

So today I want to talk about what it means to be authentic.

Authenticity is something that is rarely seen in the world today, because many people choose not to express it. Most of these reasons come down to fear of some sort, whether that be fear of change or judgment. I understand this way of thinking; many people do not like the spotlight. They would rather fit into things than stick out, and if that is you then who am I to tell you what to do.

However, it is important to note that being who you authentically are is what makes you stick out. Showing the unique traits, you possess to the world shows exactly what kind of person you are, and as a result people who feel the same way will naturally start gravitating towards you. Activities and opportunities that will provide you fulfillment start seeping into your life.

In essence, your ability to be authentic is your ability to be carefree. When you are carefree you are free from the shackles of judgment by those who do not matter, you are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, and you give yourself the opportunity to be fulfilled through the right people and activities for you.

Though you will have moment of imperfection, if you do your best to be the realest version of yourself, you will find the life that you are supposed to live. Then rest of the world will find a way to fit around you.

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