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Why Being an Empath is Just... Different

Scrolling through Facebook this weekend during a commercial break of the Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills fans, I came across an article that caught my eye. The article was on the signs of being an empath.

For those of you who do not know, being an empath is almost like having a superpower. It allows you to feel the emotional state of another person within. So if you are an empath, and if you are with someone who is upset, you feel their feeling of sadness within. If they are happy, you can touch into their feeling of happiness as well. At least from my experience as well, you can almost read why people are feeling the way they are feeling as well.

Being an empath also means that you are highly sensitive person and extremely expressive with your feeling.

I really do not know if I am an empath, but I have been called one, and I believe myself to be one. There is no test that I can take other than the stupid internet quizzes that most likely get posted on Buzzfeed. To my knowledge, there is no scientific proof behind being an empath, it is just something you are or you are not.

It is a really awesome gift; it helps me pursue my purpose in life. However, there are a lot of traits that can come with being an empath that should be pointed out to live a healthier and happier life.

First, understand that relationships can be really hard, but extremely powerful for you.

When you gravitate and connect with another person on a deeper level, you almost start to pick up some of their identity traits. You feel so much for them that they literally start to seep into you, and you may even lose your identity, so be aware of it.

With that being said, also understand that you are most likely such a loving and caring partner who is there physically and emotionally. No one will ever question your devotion to the relationship, whether it be a friend or significant other.

Secondly, music is really important to you.

Now, everyone has an emotional connection to music. Songs remind us of feelings that we have experienced in the past, which is why humans are so attracted to music. For empaths, however this feeling is magnified. You really develop a sense of being within songs, and that can cause extreme emotional moments.

Third, you tend to have the ability to just open people up.

You may barely know a person, hell you may have never talked to them in your life, but you find a way to be able to open them up and reveal things about themselves they never could have imagined doing before the conversation. I have personally had this happen to me a few times, and it is really awesome. People tend to like you more because you open them up so quickly, and on top of it you understand them.

You also tend to open yourself up to other people as well. It can be tricky because not many people want to be your therapist. However, you have a need to be able show emotion and open up, especially to the people you love.

There are so many more traits that come along with being an empath, but those are the ones I have noticed within myself since realizing I have this gift.

Like all things in life, being an empath has its positives and its negatives, but remember if you are one, do not judge yourself. Your emotional strength and being in tune is what makes you special and defines you as a person. You should love that because you have a gift, and even though it can get you into trouble, you will find people and things who truly make you happy. When you find these people and activities, you are filled with life and love, and you feel awesome in the moments of being with these people and doing these activities.

Peace out.

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