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5 Things You Can Do During A Snow Day

The rush of a snow day, it kind of makes you feel like a kid again. You get up the and the trees and are lightly powdered with snow on the branches, the driveway has fallen into the sea of snow, and the air is crisp with the chill of winter.

This fills you up for a bit, it is exciting, but eventually staying inside and drinking hot coco all day leads to you getting a little bored.

So I made a list of the five things that you can do on a snow day to keep your mind active and entertained.

#5 Be a Kid Again

The best way to shake that feeling of being stuck inside all day, go outside. Find that inner kid again and never underestimate the power of play. We all need to let the carefree muscle do its thing for a while. So go have a snowball fight with your siblings, go build a snowman out in the yard, take a walk in the woods and look at the beauty of nature. Either way, just because it is snowing, it doesn’t mean that you need to stop your life from being fun. Go out and let the inner kid take over.

#4 Reading

I suggest that everyone start reading. Nothing is better than an empowering book, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. The stories locked within teach us valuable lessons or remind us of the things we have learned throughout life. Immerse yourself into an interesting book and you find yourself feeling a sense of thrill. Humans were made to be curious, that is why babies touch and play with everything, do yourself a favor and feed your interest, especially if you feel stuck in the snow day rut.

#3 Call Someone You Really Care About

Sometimes we can get caught up in the sea of life, and really forget to reach out and reflect on the people that have helped us reach this point. We all have had mentors, whether we know it or not. Our parents, our friends, our coaches, our significant others, and anyone else who has been impactful all have a way all have a reason for where we are today. If your life stops being so chaotic because of a snow day, this is a great opportunity for you to thank that person for everything they have provided for you. Give that person a call and tell them how much they mean to you.

#2 Start a New Hobby

Okay I know, this one seems like is off a list on Pinterest but hear me out. If you find yourself bored or out of touch with things, just do something. We never really know what is interesting to us until we try it. If you have had thoughts about starting something new, then go start something new. In reality, that is the reason why I started this blog. You never know if you are going to love something if you do not try it out first. A snow day is a perfect opportunity for you to try something. Pick up a book, take an online course, try cooking, try a little home workout routine, the list is really limitless. Today is the perfect day to finally pull the trigger on that wandering thought.

#1 Get Ahead

We all have priorities in life, that is what makes us human beings. If we had nothing we were pushing for, we would be uninterested and probably extinct at this point. Snow days are the easiest days to procrastinate on. The weather makes us want to cuddle up in our pajama’s and watch Netflix all day, and rightfully so. However, being inside all day gives you a perfect opportunity to start getting ahead than pushing yourself further behind. If there is work that needs to be done, why not do it? You aren’t going to be doing much else anyways, so get ahead on your goals.

Be safe out there today, the winter has officially come early this year. The snowy days are just starting, so be ready heading into this winter. This list should help you jump ahead and make your snow day a productive one if you feel the need to make it one.

Have an awesome day.

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