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What Does Love Even Mean?

Love is a funny little thing, and a lot of people get it wrong.

If you Google search love you find the definition is an intense feeling of deep affection.

To this, I do not disagree. Loving one’s self, someone else, or something has to do with the idea that you embrace and cherish the things make the relationship special. The things that you find extreme quality in. The things that help push you up.

You should focus on these things, they are the reason why you, that person, or that thing is special. It is what separates that relationship you have from the crowd.

However, I do think that it is missing the point on something perhaps even more important to love.

The things that you do not like about the relationship.

It does not matter if you love yourself, another person, or a thing you do in your life, it comes with a cost of some sort.

You as an individual have issues, you are going to have parts of you that you do not like to go along with the parts that you do. Understand that you can be hard on yourself for them, but also accept that feeling as it is. You are imperfect as an individual, and that is perfectly okay.

Me personally, I love who I am, but I also can let anxiety take control sometimes. I am overly emotional sometimes. I am hyper critical of the actions that I take. These things are certainly not pretty, and certainly things I work hard on controlling, but they are also things that make me who I am, and I cannot change that.

Your insecurities and darkest parts of yourself are going to show in some form or another. They are going to show both within yourself and they are going to show in your relationships with other people. Part of loving one’s self is accepting that you having glaring imperfections that you can fully accept deal with.

You can apply this to other people in your life. The relationships you have are because you admire someone for the good qualities that they have. You focus on these qualities, but you also accept their bad qualities as well.

No matter who it is you let into your life, there is baggage attached to them. They are not going to be perfect, but their strengths are what you are attracted to. You may not see these weaknesses as first, but as time goes on you will. If you truly love that person, you will accept those weaknesses. They may annoy you from time to time, but you accept them for who they are, and the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

It also applies to things and hobbies you have in your life. You might love how working out makes you feel and look, but you hate that it takes a lot of time and effort to get there. You may love your job and the fulfillment it provides, but you have to deal with the negatives it provides as well.

What matters, is those strengths outweighing the weaknesses. That you get to close as perfection as possible.

You will never reach perfection in any area of your life. Why? Nothing in this world is perfect.

Steph Curry misses over half of this three point shots. Steve Jobs flopped on keeping up with PC in the computer race. You have never gotten a 100 in every single class you have taken in school.

You are never going to find the perfect job, the perfect people, or be perfect yourself.

When you realize this, you realize you can truly love.

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