Make Fun of Yourself
Steph Curry may be the greatest shooter in basketball history, but he is a smaller player within the NBA. Steve Jobs was incredibly innovative and a great leader, but his style certainly rubbed his employees the wrong way. Your best friend is an amazing person, well all besides that really weird thing they do that irks you just a little bit.
So yes, that’s right, it is okay to make fun of yourself. It is okay to be flawed.
No need to put any fat on the meat, I’ll just come out and say it.
You aren’t perfect, and guess what, you are never going to be either. Quite ironic coming from this blog, but it is the God honest truth that you need to hear.
Listen, you me, the person reading this next to you in class right now, your boss, really whoever is going to and have most certainly done things that are stupid from time to time, and you all certainty have qualities that aren’t ideal.
Hell, I had a few embarrassing moments this week. I have a few qualities that I know aren’t ideal. This doesn’t make you, me, or anyone else a bad person. It makes you, well a normal human being.
We have all told a bad joke at some point, we have all said something a little dumb once or twice, we all have unintentionally crossed lines at some point, and we have all been the subject matter of a joke or two at our expense.
Understand that this is all that is, one joke, one moment, or one reaction. With that in mind, a moment, a joke, or a reaction is just singular. It does not define you, that would be your values, or in other words, what makes you shine.
Chances are you have a lot to offer the world as it is. Where you lack in some areas, you most certainly strive in others. Most of this light jabbing is seen in strong and secure social relationships, so that person who throws the jab sees value in you. If that is the case, well don’t worry then, you are valued, and you are important to them.
No joke, no matter how bad on their part can change this level of sub communication. There is a clear difference between someone who is trying to put you down, and someone who is trying to be lighthearted and playful.
If you feel crushed or hurt after these jokes, you might have an insecurity in your relationship with that person, or within yourself.
Again, if this is the case, you are still a human being. You are still allowed to be imperfect. You are never a finished being, but rather one who is always going to move in the natural direction of achieving a better self.
If it is within a personal relationship, say something and fix the problem. If it is within yourself as a whole, you have to develop a pillar of self love.
The solution to self love is this. Focus on the good qualities that you have, and immerse yourself into them. By doing the things that you have passion for, you allow yourself to feel good. By playing within your ballpark, you start benchmarking to yourself instead of against others. That is where you see true improvement that you are excited about, the type of improvement that makes you feel more secure, and therefore more accepting of playful banter.
If you see a friend who seems down and out about these jokes or circumstances that inevitably happen to them, pass this information along. We all need a support team, and people who can help us recognize these issues for ourselves so that we can work on them. In the end though, it is only the singular person who can find inner peace about it.
You may doubt it from time to time, but always remember the reasons that make you so wonderful, and you will start moving in the right direction.
Cheers people!