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Making Emotions Your Servant, and Not Your Master.

Emotional Control, it is something that very few people have an understanding of, and some that is almost impossible to master a hundred percent of the time.

It was John Seymour once said, “Emotions make excellent servants, but tyrannical masters.” What a perfect quote to outline the meanings behind emotional control.

Emotions are good, emotions are bad, emotions can be somewhere in between, but our species needs them.

Human beings thrive off of emotions. We get a feeling of joy and importance when we embrace a lover. We get the feeling of dominance and confidence when we see progressions and results start coming our way. We get feeling of shame and disappointment when we fail to reach our standards that we set for ourselves.

These are all completely normal, and completely okay experience. The good ones, the bad ones, and all the rest. Yes, even sobbing your eyes out over something that may seem ridiculous to you in a logical state is healthy.

Raw emotion being displayed is healthy for us because it allows for the opportunity for growth as a person.

So what does a person with no emotional control look like, and what about a person with emotional control?

People with emotional control, are people who still show emotions. When they are sad, they cry. When they are happy, the smile. When they are angry, they yell. In fact, people with emotional control display emotion just like someone with no control. The difference between the two comes after.

After you settle down from an emotional spike, take notice on how you are feeling.

Do you see your emotional outburst as an opportunity to improve and grow from? Are you able to accept that your emotional outburst happened, and that it is was only for a moment?

Yes, unbalance emotions give you ideas of where you need to improve. Whether it is in relationships, work, of social life, hitting a breaking point whether it is up or down gives us a chance to see the next step on the ladder. It says something is wrong with the current status quo, and gives us a chance to adapt from it.

This is emotional control.

Or, are you a person that lets this emotional state eat them for an extended period of time after. You allow that state to dictate your decision making far after the emotional outburst had been experienced, and as a result you make rash decisions. For example, a man who gets mad at his boss for yelling at him, then takes his frustration home with him and is distant from his partner. You might also hold in your emotions because of societal pressures or judgment.

This is lack of emotional control.

You are a human being, and that means you are going to experience really good moments, and really bad moments in life. Remember, they are just moments, and they are just based off current circumstances, not the big picture as a whole.

Your day does not have to be ruined because someone made you feel sad. Your relationship can still thrive, even if you have a fight from time to time. You aren’t going to feel excited and happy all the time, even when doing the things that make you happy at your core.

Use your emotions to take advantage of your life. Use them to get what you want, use them to grow, use them to be productive. Most of all, do not be afraid to express them for what they are.

With this in mind, be in control and don’t take them out in unproductive and unhealthy ways. Also, don’t hold these emotions in, as they cannot help you, and in fact hurt you if you do.

In essence showing emotion control, shows that you are a real person, and a real person who is always moving forward and course correcting. Even if means losing emotional control and gaining it back.

In other words, we call that living.

I’m out. Love you all.


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