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Ironic Isn't it?

Well, here we are again.

I tried taking this whole blogging thing to Instagram, and honestly, I found that it didn’t really work for me, so I am back.

It has been an entire half year plus around twenty-five minutes when I am writing this since my last post on the blog. I have never been happier to be back. In reality, I like the deep dives better than the surface level Instagram captions anyway.

To update you on things, my summer was perhaps the best I have ever had. The short story, look at the pictures below. The longer, but still short story, I went to an incredible seminar, met some amazing people including my biggest mentor, had a successful summer of work both socially and financially, and got a girlfriend who I love very dearly to this current day. All because of that funny little word we talked about in the first post all those months ago.


Sounds like things have been pretty great lately huh? Well unfortunately, for me, it isn’t the case.

I’ve been entirely in my head too much lately, stressed out by the lack of things that I have been going on in my life lately, and my anxiety has returned. All of this has caused me to see a glimmer of the depressed and completely out of hope person that I was in the first twenty-one years of my time on this Earth. It is without question, the most challenge and adversity I have faced since turning my life around for the better. Hell, as I am writing this I have been tossing and turning in hours trying to find a glimpse of peace in sleep.

But guess what… Funny enough, I have never been more excited in my whole life.

One of the very few things that we as human beings have control of is how we interpret situations. We get to choose what the things that happen to us mean, and we get to choose how we respond to them. Whether they are wonderful, whether they are horrible, or if they are somewhere in-between, we are able to establish meaning towards each and every single challenge.

For this... well, it is a test for myself.

I dedicated a year to finding myself, to understand what makes me as an individual happy on core level, to understanding my purpose and direction I want to in attack in life, and to developing standards for those who I love both romantic and non romantic levels.

Well, I found all of it. I got super driven friends who embody the kind of people I want to model and get better for. I have a purpose that fills me with power and joy when dedicating my time towards it. Hell, I am even writing a book about it. I have a true pillar of self love that had been eluding me for years. The cherry on top? A kick ass girlfriend who appreciates me for who I am, good and bad.

Ironically, now that I have this wonderful stuff I was looking so hard for, I want more, and in the end you probably do too.

Do not get me wrong here. I appreciate everything, and I mean everything that I have. Though this stretch has been bad, it has been a hell of a lot worse. And in turn, that is why I am grateful for this stretch.

No matter how bad it has been lately, I have come too far to fall back into that state. Through all the moping and lifelessness, I realized I need new goals because it isn’t the outcome that makes you truly happy, but it is the journey.

I write this because I know you may have felt, or currently feel like this at this point in time.

I haven’t been stuck in the mud since this all happened for me, but as I tossed and turned in bed, I realized that I need the journey to continue.

For all the goals you achieve in life, you should be proud, but only for the moment.

When I achieved these goals, I stopped posting, and even speaking about my motivations to achieve them. Life was just not as exciting, fun, playful, and joyful.

What made the achievement so satisfying was the joy you got out of chasing your goal everyday with everything you had.

I had crippling anxiety approaching humans, I felt happier when learning how to overcome it. I created a team that elevated my standards, I felt happiness in getting to know these people. I finally met the girl I fit the standards I set for myself, I now realize I found happiness in the search for her. I am happier when I am in the classroom or guiding those who seek my help than I am when I am done with the work.

It is why I have everything now and staring at despair, and looked that the challenges of my past as the torch that lead me from the darkness to the light.

So today, I set new goals. One is this blog, and yes a real blog that posts often. It pushes my purpose, and helps more humans discover themselves. I want to write the book and publish I have been working on. The cultivation of everything I have learned to become a person who truly loves yourself and the gift of life, and pushing my purpose. I want to become a dating coach for more quiet men, to pass down the mindsets and powers so that they too can find a girl that rocks their world, dead record at this point, but again pushing my purpose. (If you are interested by all means shoot me a DM or email.) To focus on the joy of the moment, and not happiness as a whole. To try something completely new and out of my comfort zone (not really too concrete on this one yet, but I will get back to you.) And oddly enough, learn how to play the guitar.

If you feel as if you are stuck right now, remember this.

Always keep moving forward. The destination is not your arrival at everlasting success and happiness, but rather the path you took to get that.

You always want more, and don’t be ashamed of it.

So keep trying to squeeze more juice out of life, and make sure to smile while you do it.

And with that, I am off to bed.

Love you,



If you are reading this S.S, just know that you message you sent me the other day was a bigger deal than you may have known. I am going to keep doing me, and thank you for inspiring the momentum to find the answers to these problems.

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